Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dear Professor,

Please do not ask me to print things out anymore. At first I will rebel completely. I mean, how dare you ask me to waste money on paper and ink, especially if I have already had to buy one book because the library let me down, and we will avoid talking about that $40 meditation pillow. But then I will realize (late the night before the day we will go over this in class) I probably won't be able to do well on the quiz if I am trying to read the .pdf instead of flipping through a hard copy. At this point, I secede from the rebellion and pull out my printer. The printer hates me, so she will rebel in her own way, eat my paper, leave spots everywhere, print the top of a page on the wrong sheet, etc, etc. Finally, it will just die. Of course, I won't give up right away. Instead, I will argue with the printer for hours, trying at first to gently coax it, then beating it to pieces. Now it is way past my bed time, and I'm upset. Upset with you for asking me to do this. So now I'm back to the rebellious stage. Meditate on this, lady: I am bringing my computer to class tomorrow as a copy of these crazy handouts!


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