Just like most fabulous ideas that keep the world turning, xkcb was suggested as a joke. At a family Christmas dinner, I sat with my cousin laughing about how true-to-life Randall Munroe's comic strip xkcd is. We proceeded to admit that there are many moments that RM's comics do not cover, and I proceeded to draw one of them out in a journal that said cousin gave me for Christmas. It was one of those beautifully dumb ideas... and we loved it.
As of yet, none of the comics have actually been uploaded to this blag, but not to fear, they will be. In the meantime, I started "Letters to the Everyday."
One day, I was sitting in class checking out this guy that I had a class with in previous semesters, and I noticed how impeccably dressed he was. This guy would have been attractive as a drunk beggar, but he was looking down right snazzy in his pullover sweater, collar shirt, and khakis. The next day, I saw him at another building where he, very sweetly, opened the door and patiently waited for me to approach. I've had enough experience dabbling in romance to know he's either extremely gay.. or married. I think it's much more likely to be the former.
So, mentally, I wrote him a letter, and Letters to the Everyday was born. I learned that this was not an isolated experience, but rather, my friends often wished they had the opportunity to send anonymous letters also. Thus, I have made this an open blag. Just send me your letters, and if content appropriate, I will add them!