Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dear Everyone Who Responds to My Emails,

When I send you an email, my name appears at the from/sender line. Just in case that isn't enough I also add my name to the bottom of the email to provide a personal touch. And for a professional grand finale, my emails are always finished with my physical work address and email (which includes my name), preceded by what? My first and last name. Every time I write my name or it is signed in an email from me, it is spelled correctly. How hard is it to glance down at it, or check the spelling in the "to" line to make sure it is correct when you respond to my messages?! I take personal offense. Sure, many people can not pronounce my name, but there are usually legit reasons (e.g. the person is illiterate, they know someone with a similar name pronounced slightly different, etc.), but there is no reason to misspell my name when it is written correctly several times in your message window! 


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